social media influencers

Written by Imama Khan 12:00 pm Opinion, Published Content

Fame, Filters, and Folly: The Captivating World of Social Media Influencers

In the digital age, social media has now become a pervasive part of our everyday lives, brimming with a plethora of content from a myriad of “influencers” and self-proclaimed celebrities. Attracting a throng of admirers, the lavish lifestyles and “positive vibes” generated by many of these influencers have created an almost cult-like following. Whilst many are motivated by a sincere admiration for these stars and their online personas, the worrying truth is, it is driving an ever-growing number into complete fandom and fanatic devotion.
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Ms Imama Khan is an Islamabad-based researcher. Her articles have appeared in The News, The Pakistan Observer, Global Village Space, and Matrix Mag.

The Allure of Social Media Influencers

Social media has become deeply intertwined with our daily lives, shaping our behaviors, perceptions, and relationships. While it offers opportunities for connection, self-expression, and access to information, it also poses significant risks and challenges. The questions continue to baffle many: why do people become so attached to social media influencers they’ll likely never meet, and who may not even be concerned about their followers beyond their ability to generate clicks and income?

While it is likely a combination of the human craving for escapism, the glamour and affluence these influencers seem to possess, and the wish for a feeling of belonging and solidarity, one thing is sure: influencer culture has taken on its own life, with many people ready to set aside their own wants and needs in the name of their idols.

The Dangers of Misplaced Admiration

The fundamental human need to feel a sense of belonging can take on many forms. From the traditional sense of joining a club or team, to forming a spiritual or religious connection, the urge to fit in and link up with a group is deeply embedded in human nature. Yet, in our modern times, a new phenomenon arises – that of celebrity worship.

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While people have always had their idols, be they a singer, actor, or player, today’s generation takes this fandom to a whole new level, with increased intensity and false attachment to the admiree. Social media has only added fuel to the fire, allowing those in the limelight to share snippets of their lives with those that worship them.

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The Influence of Influencers
The Influence of Influencers” by Statista is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0.

But when does admiration cross the line to become a dangerous obsession? While it is natural to look up and appreciate someone for their gifts or accomplishments, when this appreciation spirals out of control, it can bring along some serious repercussions. Fans can mistakenly perceive their non-divine idols as deities, creating an environment where defending them overrides any proof of wrongdoing.

The Yearning for Connection and the Pitfalls of Influencer Culture

Many people are drawn to influencers and social media for a sense of connection and belonging but may be unaware that their intense inner longing may stem from an emptiness within them. This need for attachment might even cloud them from recognizing the potential wrongdoings of influencer culture, which profits from providing an idealized, yet inaccessible form of life.

From the follower’s point of view, the fanfare of influencer culture appears to be a meritocratic utopia, with little insight into the unethical depths of monetary rewards. The glamour is often glamorized in a way that supports the influencer’s narrative while disregarding what is truly right or wrong. It is paramount to remember that these influencers are mere fallible humans and to not be misled by the fantasy they have created.

The Distortion of Reality and the Dangers of Misinformation

Despite the prevalence of unrealistic standards on social media, some celebrities such as Hollywood actor Keanu Reeves have chosen to reject social media to protect themselves from profiting from these false fantasies. Conversely, other influencers limit their presence on social media and provide an unfiltered view of what reality looks like.

Unfortunately, most influencers choose to present a carefully crafted image, sharing filtered pictures while propagating false positivity. These people are responsible for being transparent with their followers; however, the truth rarely resonates well and therefore lacks the same engagement as idealized content.

Consequently, we have seen an increased spread of intentional misinformation and disinformation, ultimately leading followers to lose their capacity to distinguish between reality and what is presented on social media. We should be mindful of the fact that the profiles presented on social media are merely flattering personas that influencers have created in order to earn a living.

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The Impact on Careers and the Perpetuation of Unrealistic Standards

Social media, without a doubt, has revolutionized the way we search for and embrace our careers. It has facilitated the recognition of talent but has likewise diminished the criteria for professions like acting and modeling. Now, all that’s required is for someone to go viral on TikTok or post heavily edited photos on a public Instagram account to stand a chance of a successful modeling career.

Although the trend has been the subject of criticism for upholding a false ideal of beauty and perpetuating body shaming, it has also been denounced for its idealistic presentation of sensitive topics, such as mental health and eating disorders.

Sure, social media has supplied an outlet for individuals to interconnect and share their stories, yet the potential risks of exposing innocent minds to such topics rendered in a romantic, celebratory fashion can far outweigh the benefits.

The Dangers of Unchecked Social Media Influence

The power of social media influence cannot be underestimated, and the myriad of dangers associated with it are all too real. Influencers have assumed the role of universities, offering their own certificates of validation to those desperate for approval – regardless of how misguided or wrong they may be. Consequently, this has inhibited growth and entrenched biases, creating a hazardous path of reinforcement for those already inclined to doing so.

Influencer Marketing Becomes Multi-Billion Dollar Business
Influencer Marketing Becomes Multi-Billion Dollar Business” by Statista is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0.

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have come under fire for valuing profits over tackling the serious issues caused by their services. Many influencers use tactics that are addictive and risky, while the distinction between hate speech and freedom of expression continues to become progressively more nuanced.

Basic surveillance measures are too often inadequate and slow to respond – by the time an influencer is removed from a platform, they have long since accumulated enough fans and encouragement to transfer their information elsewhere, given the abundance of other social media sites.

The Erosion of Critical Thinking and the Need for Discernment

In this day and age, it is troubling to observe that many social media users turn to controversial figures with little to no credibility, as opposed to trusted sources of knowledge when it comes to sensitive topics such as religion, culture, and politics. It is a potential risk to our well-being that so many people would rather learn about such matters from a cigar-smoking, misogynistic (and now charged with rape and human trafficking) influencer on a social media platform than from books of credible information or from enlightened conversations with scholars who possess real intellectual insight.

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Regrettably, our current climate has descended into one where people are increasingly led to look to social media for their information, at the expense of critical thinking and independent thought. The rampant trust in influencers and these platforms can be dangerous and easily manipulated. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to be aware of these possible dangers and to confront this type of media with a critical eye, instead of accepting without due consideration everything we see or hear online.

A Mindful Approach and the Responsibility of Social Media Platforms

The impact of social media on our society is an intricate and multi-faceted one. It has the ability to bring together people from all walks of life, with a platform also allowing free expression, yet it also carries the potential to detriment our mental health, impairing our ability to think critically and thus influencing our overall well-being. Therefore, it is essential to take a mindful approach to consuming these platforms; critiquing content and ensuring the sources we trust are reliable.

Further, social media platforms have a responsibility to their users to ensure the safety of their members by regulating potentially harmful media and punishing those who use their influence to propagate hate and false information. As we continue to find our way through this ever-changing realm of online portals, we must remember to establish significance in our own lives instead of permitting an insubstantial world to muddle our ambitions, as our time, energy, and focus are invaluable resources that should not be wasted.

By being conscious of the potential pitfalls of social media influence and actively engaging in critical thinking, we can navigate these platforms more responsibly and safeguard our well-being.

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