pakistan moral dilemma video

Written by Paradigm Shift 7:28 pm Published Content, Videos

[Video] Pakistan’s Moral Dilemma

In a thought-provoking exploration of Pakistan’s moral landscape, this video delves into the intriguing article “The Moral Crisis in Pakistan”. Join us as we journey through the complex web of cultural dynamics, societal values, and discrepancies between words and actions.
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In a thought-provoking exploration of Pakistan’s moral dilemma, this video delves into the intriguing article “The Moral Crisis in Pakistan” by Hania Imran. Join us as we journey through the complex web of cultural dynamics, societal values, and discrepancies between words and actions.

The first time my school mentioned values, it was for the week dedicated to values. Each day, we would have a new value (honesty, integrity, kindness, and so on), and the teacher would write the value at the edge of the class board and begin the lesson on math, science, or Urdu for the day. The value was not talked about as we would spend eight hours in school every day, and slowly but surely was rubbed off the board as a new lesson began.

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