water crisis pakistan video

Written by Paradigm Shift 1:00 pm Published Content, Videos

[Video] How the Water Crisis in Pakistan is Determined by Hydropolitics

The video points to the fact that Pakistan, a nation heavily reliant on its water resources, is facing an alarming water crisis. From dwindling water levels to increasing demand, the situation is dire, but what many don’t realize is that this crisis is not solely driven by environmental factors; it’s a complex web of politics, diplomacy, and regional dynamics that are exacerbating the situation.
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The video points to the fact that Pakistan, a nation heavily reliant on its water resources, is facing an alarming water crisis. From dwindling water levels to increasing demand, the situation is dire, but what many don’t realize is that this crisis is not solely driven by environmental factors; it’s a complex web of politics, diplomacy, and regional dynamics that are exacerbating the situation.

Ayesha Javaid discusses how Pakistan has been embroiled in politics over water resources since its independence – at both local and international levels. Pakistan and India initially had disagreements over the Indus Basin, which was finally settled by the Indus Water Treaty in 1960.

However, with India now demanding modifications in the 62-year-old treaty, serious water-based conflicts between the two countries are a likely possibility. Pakistan also faces water troubles within, as provincial governments have failed to reach an agreement over the much-needed construction (& even usage) of dams.

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