america decline china video

Written by Paradigm Shift 8:08 pm Published Content, Videos

[Video] American Decline Affects its War with China

In this video, Sarmad Ishfaq, the author himself, explains that the steady decline of the US’s hegemony and the simultaneous rise of China will lead to an imminent conflict between the two, resulting in the demise of America and the birth of a new world order.
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In this video, Sarmad Ishfaq, the author himself, explains that the steady decline of the US’s hegemony and the simultaneous rise of China will lead to an imminent conflict between the two, resulting in the demise of America and the birth of a new world order.

With the US’s foreign policy failures, its domestic rifts, and the de-dollarization initiative by China, the current global landscape finds itself in a state of upheaval.

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