first battle of panipat video

Written by Paradigm Shift 5:29 pm Published Content, Videos

[Video] Summary of the Battle of Panipat

An in-depth analysis of the strategies employed by both sides in the First Battle of Panipat reveals a fascinating interplay of traditional methods and groundbreaking innovations, forever altering the course of military history in the region.
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The video summarises the First Battle of Panipat, which took place on April 21, 1526 AD, is remembered as a turning point in the Indian subcontinent history. Sultan Ibrahim Lodi’s forces and the Mughal Army under Mughal emperor Babur (a descendant of Genghis Khan and Timur) fought a titanic battle.

Marking a pivotal shift in South Asian warfare, the Battle of Panipat witnessed the Mughals not only securing a decisive victory but also bringing about a revolution in military tactics. Their pioneering use of gunpowder-powered weapons and field artillery on the Indian subcontinent redefined the battlefield, establishing new benchmarks for strategic engagement.

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An in-depth analysis of the battle strategies employed by both sides reveals a fascinating interplay of traditional methods and groundbreaking innovations, forever altering the course of military history in the region.

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