Ethiopian Airlines Pakistan

Written by Paradigm Shift 9:48 pm Pakistan Unveiled, Published Content

Bridging Skies: Ethiopian Airlines Lands Back in Karachi, Pakistan

After a 20-year hiatus, Ethiopian Airlines finally resumed its flights to Karachi. On May 9th, 2023, the airline’s maiden flight, carrying Ethiopian officials, landed at Jinnah International Airport, marking the port city as its 37th destination in Asia.
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Ethiopian Airlines has recommenced its direct flights from Karachi to Ethiopia after a gap of some twenty years, and it is believed that this would drastically enhance bilateral relations with both states. On the morning of May 9, 2023, Ethiopian Airlines’ first flight to Karachi, ET-694, landed at Jinnah International Airport. Onboard the maiden flight were 110 passengers, including Ethiopian government officials, diplomats, and a trade delegation. The revival of this aviation link by the biggest airline in Africa is expected to facilitate international travel, trade, and tourism, and reinforce structural positions between these countries.

The warm hospitality that Pakistani officials presented to the Ethiopian delegation, led by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Mesganu Arga, upon its arrival in Karachi is a signal towards the friendly relationship and mutual endeavors between Ethiopia and Pakistan. The renewal of flights made Karachi the 37th destination for Ethiopian Airlines in Asia. This step has received overwhelming praise from the leaders of Pakistan and Ethiopia, who view it as an assurance to enhance cooperation and general benefits.

The airline’s commitment to this route confirms the fact that it is confident in the benefits of a growing economic alliance and its potential to provide better tourism and business opportunities. It is a good signal for the aviation industry in Pakistan, which has witnessed massive changes lately. The reconnection of the aviation industries of both states not only raises connectivity to new heights but also acts as a cultural bridge. It allows the citizens of Pakistan and Ethiopia to have better perspectives on each other, allowing new forms of personal interaction and trust-building between the two regions.

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