
Written by Hafsa Ammar and Emaan Tanveer 3:00 pm Infographics & Charts, Published Content

CSS Tips and Tricks for Precis

To score high in the English (precis and composition) paper, CSS aspirants need to learn some tips and tricks to make sure their work is coherent, original, free from bias, and grammatically correct.
About the Author(s)
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Hafsa Ammar is a graduate of the National Defence University, Islamabad. Her areas of expertise are narrative building and propaganda warfare, centered around the Soviet Union and modern-day Russia.

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She blends her expertise in social media with her passion for global issues to create a dynamic forum for dialogue, awareness, and change.

CSS 2024 is right around the corner. To pass it with flying colors, one must ace the written exam. The compulsory subjects for CSS are:

  1. English Essay
  2.  English (Precis and Composition)
  3.  General Science and Ability
  4.  Current Affairs
  5.  Pakistan Affairs
  6.  Islamiat/Major Religions (Option for Non-Muslims)

Precis refers to a small and rather concise summary of a given passage. The “precis and composition” paper evaluates whether the student can accurately grasp the key points of a text without waffling over the insignificant details. It tests language proficiency and originality as well.

CSS precis tips
CSS precis tips

The key to scoring high is to ensure your precis is small, does not reflect your personal bias, touches base with all important details, and is coherent.

Submissions 2023

If you want to submit your articles, research papers, and book reviews, please check the Submissions page.

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