benazir income support programme

Written by Ahmad Umair 3:27 pm Opinion, Published Content

Use of Buzzwords in Benazir Income Support Programme

Ahmad Umair talks about the use of buzzwords like “empowerment”, “development”, and “progress” which have been used to describe the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP). These terms have tried to create a sense of purpose around the programme by elevating its moral status. He focuses on the effect and the impact that these carefully and consciously used buzzwords have had on the programme’s reputation.
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Mr Ahmad Umair is a final-year, undergraduate student of Public Administration at the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST).

The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) launched by the PPP government back in 2008 has aimed at minimizing the problem of poverty in Pakistan. The program has gained a lot of adulation from various sections of society because it has targeted the problem of poverty and contributed towards poverty reduction in the country.

The word ‘poverty reduction’ has been extensively used in the discussions surrounding the Benazir Income Support Programme. The use of such words has helped the programme in establishing its authority in the policy framework. The poorer sections of society have felt connected with the government’s ambition of ‘poverty reduction’ which has given it much-needed legitimacy.

The buzzwords attached and linked to the policy have served the purpose that they were intended to serve. They have given a sense. They have created a vibe of optimism and purposefulness across the political spectrum and society in general which has helped the program in gaining the popularity that it has.

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Poverty reduction and the admirable performance level of the officials associated with the Benazir Income Support Programme that followed it helped in creating a sense of ‘no discrimination’ in the early days of the program. Such a program, harnessing a sense of competence and fulfillment of societal needs, was necessary for a society like ours.

Since these programs face many problems when it comes to implementation, words like poverty and women empowerment are used to gain public confidence in the programme. They appeal to the general sentiments of the masses by using these buzzwords.

The Benazir Income Support Programme has sought cooperation with different institutions hence promoting a sense of institutional harmony and coordination. The Benazir Income Support Programme has certainly played a pivotal role in promoting that through its coordination with NADRA and a number of different monetary institutions.

Just the documented presence of these words has a considerable impact in generating a feeling of optimism and when these words – embedded in the policy documents – are reflected and acted upon through well-coordinated actions as well, it certainly has an effect on a broad scale.

The use of the word ’empowerment’ has been extremely crucial in helping the programme attract popularity among the public and in the media. The program has repeatedly emphasized empowering underprivileged women who belong to the poor sections of society. The use of these words in its policy framework has facilitated gathering support for the programme and has brought ease in the smooth operation of the ventures covered under it.

The use of these words in the public sphere by the political leaders within the context of this programme has resulted in the formulation of a strong bond between the programme and the public, and the increase of public trust in the programme.

The use of the word ‘participation’ is important to the maintenance of the programme. The programme aims to bring and make a certain section of society participate in the government’s welfare programme that had been neglected for a long time.

The word ‘participate’ is also important in enhancing the feeling of public resonance; it plays a crucial role in making people believe and realize that the programme has been designed for them. All these words are linked to development. Hence, this programme has helped in disseminating an air of progress and fulfillment in society.

It’s not all rosy with the use of buzzwords. Buzzwords have been used as a tool to mark the incompetence of the officials. They can be weaponized by the administrators to hide their inefficiency and also used to manipulate the sentiments of the masses.

Often, these buzzwords, in some capacities have been used as a tool for masking problems such as the difficulty faced by people in rural areas in the withdrawal of money. The program has been very slow in establishing its offices in new areas despite the sizable amount of budget allocated for it. There have also been allegations of certain people being prioritized over others because of their linkages in the programme’s administration.

Overall, these words have had a positive impact on the program and society. It all depends on how we use these words and how competent the officials are in the use of these words. Sometimes, these words are used to gain support from the masses for the benefit of society, but sometimes, buzzwords are used to cover up their corruption and wrongdoings and to manipulate the interest of the masses for their own benefit.

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