social media and education (2)

Written by Torchbearer CSS Academy 8:21 pm CSS/PMS, Published Content

Guess Essay for CSS 2024 | Social Media: Reshaping Today’s Education System

A possible essay question for the 2024 CSS exam could be about social media’s role in the education system. Torchbearer CSS Academy shares a sample answer to help you prep and understand the requirments of an essay question.
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Torchbearer CSS Academy – TBA Karachi ignites aspirations and transforms them into valuable knowledge and enthusiasm. They magnify talents and carve abilities to achieve dedicated success, by providing quality education for competitive exam aspirants who believe in themselves and their goals.


  1. Introduction to the role of social media in education
  2. Deconstructing the Key Words
    • Social Media
    • Education System
  3. How social media is reshaping today’s education system
    • Introducing online learning platforms
    • Emerging modern sources and disciplines
    • Ensuring cost-free books and learning material online
    • Improving research methods
    • Providing the opportunity for online examination
    • Abandoning cheating culture by plagiarism check mechanisms
    • Stumbling nepotism and favoritism by empowering meritocracy
    • Encouraging equality by gleaning education for all indiscriminately
  4. Hurdles for social media in reshaping today’s education
    • Lack of digital and Internet literacy among students
    • Rise in communication gap creating learning crisis
    • Fiscal constraints impeding the prevalence of education through social media
    • Increase in laziness among students
  5. Ways and means for curtailing hurdles and emboldening social media
    • Enhanced ways of teacher-student communication
    • Short courses for learning productive ways of social media
    • Opportunities for activity-based learning
    • Availability and accessibility of social media to all
  6. Conclusion


The emergence of social media has proven to be revolutionary in reshaping today’s education system. It is bridging the gap between students and education alongside opening avenues towards modern education. Online learning platforms are ensuring education for all, and modern courses are providing a plethora of opportunities in several academic disciplines.

Students are no longer battling with the prices of books and study materials, as everything is available online. Additionally, cheating cultures are annihilated and education is being dispersed indiscriminately. However, social media is confronted with certain hurdles; for instance, the lack of Internet literacy among students and the widening gap between students and teachers.

The students are getting lazy due to online learning. Also, the financial constraints are hampering the social media aim to reshape today’s education system. We must ensure availability and accessibility alongside incorporating the activity-based learning mechanisms.

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Social media has introduced online learning platforms, and through online education, learning patterns are becoming feasible. For instance, online learning helped the world during COVID-19 and ensured the prevalence of education.

The emergence of myriad courses and a variety of new academic disciplines have become possible due to social media. Before social media, merely distinct disciplines of sciences, theological studies, social sciences, and some others used to be available, but with social media, information technology, data sciences, computing, artificial intelligence, and many more are being provided in institutions.

In old education systems, students were required to have compact handouts. In contrast, because of social media, students have access to various portable books and study materials online. Online examinations are very effective for both students and teachers.

Plagiarism-checking mechanisms are providing opportunities for paralyzing the cheating culture. It also encourages the authenticity of work whereby students utilize mental faculties and come up with new ideas. Social media is reshaping today’s education system by promoting meritocracy. It is stumbling the menaces of nepotism and favoritism, which are woefully found in the traditional education system.

However, the lack of digital and Internet literacy among young students is becoming a roadblock. Since the learner lacks the proper utilization of social media, he/she becomes unable to cultivate fruits out of it. The literacy of social media is the prerequisite, and without this, the change in the system cannot be fully witnessed.

The growing trends of social media in the education system have widened the communication gap between students and teachers. Moreover, not all students can afford electronic devices like laptops and mobile phones. It is also becoming a hurdle for social media to sustain students’ interest in academics. The growing laziness among students is impairing their productivity and also diminishing their interest in education.

Fiscal constraints are hampering students’ accessibility due to a lack of technological infrastructure and the unavailability of Internet services. The cost-effective availability of social media to encourage a tilt towards acquiring education through social media is the shape of the model of today’s education system.

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